Acupuncture is a component of Chinese Medicine that has been around for over 5000 years. It is a type of alternative healing that involves the insertion of very thin metal needles at specific points throughout the body. It’s based off of the premise that the human body contains channels (called meridians) of energy (called Qi, or Chi) that run in regular patterns throughout the body to irrigate and nourish all tissues.

An obstruction or interference of the movement of these energy channels can create illness and dysfunction throughout the body. The meridians can be influenced by needling specific acupuncture points in order to re-establish the regular flow of energy (Qi) throughout the meridians in order to maintain proper body function. Needling these specific points also have the ability to stimulate the nervous system and the body to release chemicals as needed. These chemicals will either change the experience of pain or they will trigger the release of other chemicals and hormones which influence the body’s own internal regulating system. This stimulates the body’s natural healing abilities and promotes physical and emotional well-being.
Conditions Acupuncture helps:
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends acupuncture as an effective treatment for over 40 medical problems including:
Bed Wetting
Carpal Tunnel
Smoking Cessation
Sinus Conditions
Skin Conditions
Menstrual Disorders
Hip Pain
Gastrointestinal conditions
Plantar Fasciitis
Male and Female Reproductive Disorders
High Blood Pressure
Joint Pain
Knee pain
Shoulder pain
Much more